Bureau of Labor Statistics News

Sizing Up the Gig Economy

Look around, and it seems more Americans are working outside traditional full-time jobs — whether as freelance graphic designers or independent contractors or Uber drivers. Or maybe not. A government report this week suggested that the proportion of such jobs …

How the U.S. Can Improve Workplace Injury and Illness Data

Federal agency officials involved in reducing work-related injuries and illnesses believe there is still a lot to learn about the relationship between work and injuries. According to the experts, the government needs smarter workplace surveillance and data collection practices. The …

Workplace Fatalities Continue to Increase, with Transportation Incidents #1 Cause

There were 5,190 workplace fatalities reported in the U.S. in 2016, a seven percent increase over the previous year. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Census of 2016 Fatal Occupational Injuries, the fatal injury rate increased from 3.4 per …

What Latest U.S. Statistics on Nonfatal Workplace Injuries Reveal

Private employers reported approximately 2.9 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses in 2015, or about 48,000 fewer than in 2014, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That translates into a rate of 3.0 cases per 100 equivalent full-time …

Report Shows 120 Louisiana Workplace Fatalities in 2014

A new federal report says 120 Louisiana workers died on the job last year — six more than in 2013. New Orleans City Business reports that the Bureau of Labor Statistics found the largest number of such deaths — 37 …

P/C Insurance Industry’s Low Unemployment Rate Likely to Go Lower

The insurance sector has been hiring all year and appears on track to continue to add personnel. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the unemployment rate for the finance and insurance industry was at 2.1 percent in July, down …

Indiana Records New Low in Workplace Injuries, Illnesses

Indiana officials say nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses across the state fell to the lowest rate on record with 3.8 per 100 full-time workers last year. The Indiana Department of Labor says the annual rate improves on the 2012 rate …

Utah Registers 39 Workplace Deaths In 2012

New figures from Bureau of Labor Statistics show there were 39 workplace deaths in 2012 in Utah – the same total as the year before. The preliminary data shows that transportation-related deaths were the most frequent in Utah accounting for …

Wyoming Workplace Deaths Reached 5-Year High In 2012

Workplace fatalities in Wyoming reached the highest number in five years in 2012, slightly surpassing the number of deaths the state has seen in each of the past several years. Last year, 35 people died on the job in Wyoming, …

Connecticut Workplace Injury Cases Up 11% to 50,600 in 2011

The U.S. Department of Labor says the number of workplace injuries in Connecticut jumped 11 percent in 2011 over the previous year and that the rate of injury is among the highest in the country. The Bureau of Labor Statistics …