bus safety News

NYC Doesn’t Track Sightseeing Bus Accidents

Companies that run New York City’s growing armada of double-decker sightseeing buses, like the ones involved in last week’s Times Square crash, have no legal obligation to report accidents to the city agency that licenses them. The Consumer Affairs Department …

Safety Regulator Completes Crackdown on Bus Companies

The U.S. Transportation Department, under scrutiny after a watchdog questioned its oversight of bus companies, pledged to do deeper investigations of carriers with suspected safety deficiencies. The department’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which regulates the trucking and bus industries, …

Federal Safety Regulators Criticized for Missing Bus Safety Hazards

U.S. bus regulators are overlooking or not catching serious safety hazards before fatal crashes and need to change their auditing practices, the National Transportation Safety Board said. The U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration repeatedly has known about deficiencies before …

Feds Shut Down 26 Bus Operators in Safety Crackdown

Twenty-six bus operations that transported more than 1,800 passengers a day along Interstate 95 between New York and Florida have been closed for safety violations in what federal officials say is the government’s largest single safety crackdown of the motor …

Overturned Greyhound in Pennsylvania Latest Northeast Bus Crash

A St. Louis-bound Greyhound bus that overturned on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, sending 14 people to the hospital, was the latest in a series of bus accidents in the Northeast this year. The bus from New York City stopped in Philadelphia …

New York Stops Tour Bus Operators Following Crashes

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, following a recent rash of tour bus crashes, said he will suspend the operating licenses of eight charter and tour bus companies and their 100 buses after repeated failures in safety inspections. “The frequent and …

Safety Advocates, Industry Spar Over Bus, Truck Safety Rules

On a clear June afternoon, a tractor-trailer truck crested a small rise on a stretch of interstate highway in Oklahoma. Plainly visible in the distance were more than a dozen cars and trucks that had stopped while a fender-bender was …

Technology to Prevent Bus Accidents Exists But Isn’t Implemented

The technology exists to prevent many bus crashes and to make it more likely passengers will survive those that do occur, but government regulators have failed to implement safety recommendations that in some case stretch back decades, safety advocates told …