business interruption (BI) News

Business Interruption Remains Top Corporate Concern in 2017: Allianz

Business interruption is a top global corporate risk for the fifth year in a row. But worries about Brexit and incoming U.S. President Donald Trump also made the list of companies’ 2017 fears and uncertainties in a new Allianz report. …

Cyber Risk Awareness Rises Among SMEs: Zurich Survey

One way to reduce cyber risks is to boost awareness of them. In that regard, Zurich Insurance Group says, there has been big progress in terms of getting the word out among small and medium-sized businesses. At the same time, …

Business Interruption Claims on the Rise: Allianz

The average large business interruption (BI) property insurance claim is now in excess of $2.4 million, 36 percent higher than the corresponding average property damage claim of just over $1.7 million, according to a report from Allianz Global Corporate & …