California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris News

California Attorney General Files Suit Against JPMorgan Chase

California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris on Thursday filed an enforcement action against JPMorgan Chase & Co. alleging the bank engaged in fraudulent and unlawful debt-collection practices against tens of thousands of Californians. The suit alleges that Chase engaged in …

California Attorney General Sues BP and ARCO over Gas Stations

California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris has filed a civil lawsuit against BP West Coast Products, BP Products North America Inc. and Atlantic Richfield Company for allegedly violating state laws governing hazardous materials and hazardous waste by failing to properly …

California AG Sues Apparel Makers in China and India over Pirated Software

California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris filed lawsuits on Thursday against two international apparel manufacturers for gaining an unfair advantage over American companies by using pirated software in the production of clothing imported and sold in the state. The companies, …

California AG Announces Half-Billion Dollar Settlement over Price-Fixing Scheme

California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris announced on Tuesday that her office, along with the attorney general offfices, reached a $553 million settlement with manufacturers for allegedly engaging in price fixing of flat screen LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) panels found …