California Consumer Privacy Act News

California’s Office of Administrative Law OKs Privacy Regulations

The California Privacy Protection Agency finalized its first substantive rulemaking package to further implement the California Consumer Privacy Act, which was approved by the California Office of Administrative Law. The approved regulations, which are effective immediately, update existing CCPA regulations …

Microsoft Vows to Honor California’s Consumer Privacy Law Countrywide

Microsoft Corp. said in a blog post on Monday that it would honor California’s privacy law throughout the United States, expanding the impact of a strict set of rules meant to protect consumers and their data. Microsoft said in the …

Group Behind California’s Data Privacy Law Wants Another One on the Ballot

The group behind California’s pending data privacy law is working to propose for the upcoming ballot a new law that would give consumers new data rights and place stricter obligations on companies. The group has filed for an initiative with …

Anxiety, Policy Limits Rising Ahead of California’s Sweeping Data Privacy Law

Robert L. Wallan’s clients are keeping him quite busy as they fret about the implementation next year of the nation’s most far-reaching data privacy law, which gives California consumers more control over their personal data. Wallan, a partner in Pillsbury …