California Geological Survey News

Scientists: Western Migration Has Put 143M Americans in Quake-Prone Areas

More than 143 million people in the mainland states now live on shaky ground, earthquake scientists say. That’s because more people have moved into the quake-prone West Coast and some quake zones were recently expanded, according to researchers from the …

Earthquake Fault Puts California at Risk For Tsunami

Scientists say the earthquake fault that runs through the coastal city of Ventura, Calif. can produce strong shaking and dangerous tsunamis, prompting state officials to study whether to revise hazard maps. The Los Angeles Times reported that new research shows …

Future Tsunamis Planned for by Handful of California Harbors

Five California harbors are preparing for future tsunamis under a new state project that arms them with maps that identify potential problem areas. Officials with the California Geological Survey said Friday the participating harbors include San Diego, Los Angeles/Long Beach, …