California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara News

California Commissioner Calls for Statewide Non-Renewal Moratorium, More Measures to Protect Wildfire Victims

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara on Thursday issued a mandatory one-year moratorium on insurance companies non-renewing policyholders, a move he says will help at least 800,000 homes in wildfire disaster areas in Northern and Southern California. The commissioner’s action is …

California Commissioner Issues Emergency Notice to Expedite Wildfire Claims

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara on Wednesday issued an emergency notice to all property/casualty insurers doing business in California requesting they expedite claims handling for wildfire survivors to help them begin the recovery and rebuilding process more quickly. “I have …

California’s Fair Plan Balks at State’s ‘Misguided’ Order to Expand Coverage

The insurers behind California’s Fair Plan, the insurance market of last resort for homeowners, think it’s a bad idea to broaden the coverages available from the Fair Plan beyond basic dwelling fire insurance, an expansion being ordered by the state’s …

California Insurance Commissioner OKs Workers’ Comp Pure Premium Reduction

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara has adopted and issued a revised average advisory pure premium rate, lowering the benchmark to $1.52 per $100 of payroll for workers’ compensation insurance, effective Jan. 1, 2020. This is the ninth consecutive reduction to …

Applied Underwriters Responds to California Department of Insurance Effort to Halt Sale

Applied Underwriters executives have responded to efforts by the California Department of Insurance to halt the sale of one of its subsidiaries and threaten to upend a reported $920 million deal that’s been in the works for some time. The …

Consumer Watchdog: California Commissioner’s Calendar Suggests He Made Contact in ‘Pay to Play’

Calendar entries and documents show that California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, not his fundraiser, made first contact with an agent of a workers’ compensation insurance company offering political support in conjunction with seeking approval for a change of control in …

Consumer Group Wants AG to Probe California Insurance Regulator Over 2nd Home

Consumer Watchdog is calling on California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and the district attorneys for Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Francisco counties to launch an investigation over the potential theft of public funds. The call follows a report in Politico …

California Commissioner Names Members to Insurance Diversity Task Force

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara on Monday announced the newest members of the 2019 – 2020 Insurance Diversity Task Force, which makes recommendations to the commissioner on ways to increase diversity within the insurance industry. The task force was formed …

California Insurance Commissioner’s Applied Underwriters Decision Challenged over Campaign Contributions

A pair of companies has filed to overturn decisions by California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara in cases involving workers’ comp provider Applied Underwriters, alleging the decisions by Lara were swayed by contributions to his campaign from people affiliated with Applied. …

Consumer Group Gives California Insurance Commissioner to Month’s End for Contributions Records

A watchdog group has given California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara until July 31 to produce public records related to meetings with insurance industry representatives who reportedly gave him $54,300 in campaign contributions. Santa Monica, Calif.-based Consumer Watchdog on Thursday issued …