campaign contributions News

How Much Insurance Groups Have Given to Trump, Biden and House, Senate Candidates

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has received more funds from insurance industry political committees than President Donald Trump in this 2020 election cycle. Biden has received $5.5 million compared to Trump’s $4.6 million, according to an analysis from the Center …

100s of Virus Deaths Draw Focus on Missouri Nursing Home Industry

After years of failed attempts, advocates for nursing home residents this year won approval of legislation that allows families to install surveillance cameras in residents’ rooms. The measure, backers say, will help prevent abuse or neglect and aid investigations into …

Consumer Watchdog: California Commissioner’s Calendar Suggests He Made Contact in ‘Pay to Play’

Calendar entries and documents show that California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, not his fundraiser, made first contact with an agent of a workers’ compensation insurance company offering political support in conjunction with seeking approval for a change of control in …

California Commissioner Sorry for Accepting Insurance Industry Contributions

Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara has offered an apology for accepting campaign contributions from the insurance industry. Lara in a letter that was reportedly sent on Tuesday acknowledged that his campaign solicited contributions from the insurance industry, despite a campaign pledge …

More Than $500K Donated to Delaware Officials to Address Rising Opioid Deaths

As the number of overdose deaths from prescription painkillers has soared in recent years, pharmaceutical companies that manufacture opioid painkillers, and allied advocacy groups, have donated more than $500,000 to state and federal elected officials and major political parties in …

North Carolina Elections Board to Weigh Insurance Commissioner Campaign Complaint

State Board of Elections officials likely will use a less severe method to consider campaign finance accusations made by North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin against Republican challenger Mike Causey. Elections director Gary Bartlett told The News & Observer of …