cancer-causing benzene News

Exxon Is Hit With $726 Million Verdict Over Benzene and Cancer

A jury in Philadelphia found Exxon Mobil Corp. liable for $725.5 million in damages due a former mechanic who claimed its petroleum products exposed him to benzene that caused his cancer, according to his lawyers. The jury found that the …

Forgotten Oil and Gas Wells Lingering, Leaking Toxic Chemicals

Rusted pipes litter the sandy fields of Ashley Williams Watt’s cattle ranch in windswept West Texas. The corroded skeletons are all that remain of hundreds of abandoned oil wells that were drilled long before her family owned the land. The …

Cancer-Causing Benzene Emissions at 10 Refineries Exceed EPA Limits: Watchdog

Ten U.S. oil refineries, including six in Texas, released the cancer-causing chemical benzene in concentrations that exceeded federal limits last year, according to government data published by the green group Environmental Integrity Project on Thursday. The study is based on …