Cancun News

UN Climate Head Says Durban Talks Can Deliver Results

A record rise in global greenhouse emissions and ever tighter economic constraints make it crucial for United Nations climate talks in South Africa in November to overcome years of deadlock and deliver a solution, the U.N.’s climate chief told Reuters. …

Ghost of Cancun Haunts Bangkok Climate Talks

The deep divisions apparently bridged by last December’s climate deal in Cancun opened anew this week at U.N. talks in Bangkok, undermining the chance of any agreement on the shape of a broader pact by year’s end. The April 3-8 …

Mexico Climate Change Deal to be Debated in Bangkok

The following is a synopsis of the subjects for a debate on climate change and the proposals made at the Cancun summit last December. LONG-TERM ACTION ON EMISSIONS The accord “recognizes that deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions are …