Capgemini News

Climate Change Is Hurting Insurance Industry: Report

Climate change is hurting the insurance industry and only 8% of insurers are preparing adequately for its impact, consultants Capgemini and financial industry body Efma said in a report on Tuesday. Insured losses from natural catastrophes have increased 250% in …

FinTechVisor Seeks to Connect Fintechs, Insurtechs with Traditional Firms

Consultant Capgemini and the not-for-profit Efma have launched a platform designed to bring fintechs and insurtechs together with traditional banks and insurers around innovation. The portal, named FinTechVisor, will have a feature that allows bankers and insurers to rate fintechs …

Why Financial Tech Startups Need Incumbents to Succeed

Financial technology startups are seeing no shortage of venture dollars flowing their way, but there are increasing concerns over whether they can survive without partnering with the industry they’re seeking to disrupt. More than 75 percent of fintech executives surveyed …

Insurers Hope Insurtech Will ‘Nudge’ Customers to Less Risky Behaviors

Insurers are counting on real-time technology to help them cut back payouts, from a system warning ships of nearby pirates to an app offering to buy sleepy drivers a coffee on the motorway. The lure of products promising to save …

UK Auto Insurers Face Disruption from Mobile Phone & Tech Companies

Auto insurance may be on the brink of an incursion from mobile-phone and technology companies. Telefonica SA’s O2 unit — one of the first mobile operators in Britain to offer car insurance — expanded its product line in February to …

Internet of Things Is Industry Disruptor that Could Benefit Innovators: Efma Report

The steady advance of the internet of things (IoT) presents a huge number of opportunities for insurers – as well as threats, according to a digest published by Efma*. The rise in connected homes, connected cars and the use of …

More Than 40% of Insurers See Google as Potential Threat: Capgemini Report

More than 40 percent of insurers see Google as a potential threat because of its strong brand and ability to use customer data, a report released on Tuesday said. And young, mobile phone-friendly consumers may bypass traditional insurers for “new, …