capital requirements News

Aegon, Transamerica’s Owner, Added to FSB’s List of 9 Too-Big-to-Fail Insurers

Aegon NV, the Dutch owner of U.S. insurer Transamerica Corp., has been added to a list of insurers deemed systemically important by global financial rule makers, while Italy’s Assicurazioni Generali SpA was removed. The updated list of nine too-big-to-fail insurers …

Norway’s Failure to Provide Solvency Guidance Unnerves Investors: Storebrand

Norway is unnerving investors by failing to give clear signals on the implementation of the next step in insurance industry regulations, according to Storebrand ASA, Norway’s largest listed life insurer said. Authorities have surprised the market several times, making investors …

Too-Big-to-Fail Insurers Face 10% Hike to Capital Requirements: Int’l Regulators

Global insurers with the greatest ties to the financial system would face an average increase of 10 percent to capital requirements under new standards proposed by a group of regulators. The increase would be as high as 18.75 percent for …

EU Supervisors Face ‘Binding Mediation’ on Simple ABS Disagreements

National authorities in the European Union will have to submit to binding arbitration if they can’t decide whether to apply the bloc’s new rules on simple securitizations to a transaction, a European Commission document shows. In the undated draft regulation …

EU Weighs Solvency II Capital Relief for Insurers’ Investments in Infrastructure

The European Union is preparing reduced capital requirements for insurers in a bid to spur investment in long-term infrastructure projects. The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, is considering amending insurance rules known as the Solvency II Delegated Act to …

EU Seeking to Cut Minimum Risk Weighting on Simple Securitizations

The European Commission is seeking to cut the minimum risk weight on securitizations that qualify as simple and transparent to 10 percent to help jump-start the bloc’s capital markets. The 5 percentage-point reduction in the risk weighting for securities backed …

EU Close to Easing Solvency II Capital Rules to Lure Asset-Backed Debt Buyers

The European Union’s plan to revive the asset-backed securities market may heed industry concerns by broadening the range of products eligible for a high-quality label and easing capital requirements for insurers. The securitization overhaul due next month from the European …

Delta Lloyd Uncertainties Persist Amid Concern It May Need to Plug Capital Gap

Delta Lloyd NV extended a record decline on Tuesday after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. cut the shares to neutral amid concern the insurer may need to ask shareholders for funds to plug a capital gap. The stock plummeted 8.2 percent …

Ireland’s FBD: Solvency Rule Program on Track as CEO Quits Unexpectedly

FBD Holdings plc said its plans to meet new solvency rules next year are on track as the Irish insurer struggles to return to profit and Andrew Langford unexpectedly quit as chief executive officer last week. Dublin-based FBD said it’s …

Hiscox CEO Supports Industry-Wide Stress Test for 9/11-Scale Event

UK regulators need to widen stress tests for insurers to show how the whole industry, including themselves, would respond to an event on the scale of the 9/11 attacks, Hiscox Ltd. said. Unless the Prudential Regulation Authority, or PRA, can …