capital requirements News

Sen. Collins: Finding the Right Capital Regulations for Insurers

The following a statement by Senator Susan Collins, a former state insurance regulator, in testimony before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection today on capital requirements for insurance companies. She has authored an amendment to the Dodd-Frank Act …

S&P: G-SII Designation Could Affect Ratings in the Longer Term

The longer-term rating implications for insurers that the Group of 20’s Financial Stability Board (FSB) has designated global systemically important insurers (G-SIIs) will be mixed, according to a report published by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services. The report – “Possible …

U.S. Regulators Urge Flexibility in Basel III Rules for Banks, Insurers

U.S. lawmakers and state financial regulators on Thursday called on federal officials to revamp proposed rules that would force financial firms to hold much more capital, asking them to consider the impact on small banks and insurance companies. U.S. bank …

EU Insurers Still Coming to Terms with Solvency II as Start Date Nears

“Over the next 18 months it’s estimated that Ireland will spend 100 million euros (app. $125 million) on preparations for Solvency II (SII),” said Garvan O’Neill, a partner in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ financial services practice, who headed a panel discussion on the …

IAIS Calls for Greater Scrutiny over Non-traditional Insurance

Regulators should focus on insurers’ role in markets outside their traditional sphere, as such activities could worsen the economic impact of companies in the sector going bust, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors said in a report on Tuesday. The …