capital News

Insurance Exec Blasts Florida Inaction on Hurricane Fund, Citizens

Florida lawmakers have put taxpayers at risk by not reforming the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund or Citizen’s Property Insurance Corp. in advance of the 2012 hurricane season, an insurance executive has warned. Bradley Kading, president and executive director of the …

Thai Reinsurance Expects 2012 Loss from Floods

Thai Reinsurance Pcl expects to post a net loss for a second year in 2012 as the country’s leading reinsurer is hit by higher provisions from flooding last year that have pushed up insurance premiums for natural disasters, a top …

S&P: Excess Capital, Strong ERM Give Reinsurers 2011 Cat Loss Cushion

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services announced that it is “maintaining its stable outlook on the global reinsurance sector despite the near-record level of catastrophe losses in 2011,” as it doesn’t expect “a bias in the direction of any rating actions …

Allianz Ready to Convert Commerzbank Non-voting Stake Say Sources

German insurer Allianz is ready to adjust its €750 million [$952 million] non-voting capital stake in Commerzbank to help the German lender strengthen its balance sheet, two sources familiar with the talks between the two parties said. Allianz inherited the …

Best Concludes Global Reinsurance Ratings Outlook for 2012 is Stable

A.M. Best Co. has released a briefing on the 2012 global reinsurance outlook, which concludes that despite the near record number of catastrophic event in 2011, the rating outlook “is being held at stable.” Best cited the “continued strong risk-adjusted …

Best’s Rating Actions Spurred by EU Failure to Produce Debt Crisis Solution

Although the recent summit of the 27 countries of the European Union did manage to come up with a plan to control budget deficits – in the future – it “took no clear short term actions to address the debt …

Aon Benfield Report Analyzes Financial Impact of Catastrophes on Reinsurers

The Aon Benfield Analytics’ Market Analysis team has published the latest edition of its Aon Benfield Aggregate (ABA) report, which assesses the financial performance of 28 of the world’s leading reinsurers in the first nine months of 2011, and examines …

Best Performs Added Stress Testing Due to Europe’s Economic Uncertainty

A.M. Best Co. announced that it has performed additional stress tests of the balance sheets of insurers’ exposure to euro zone debt as economic conditions within the region continue to worsen. Best has published the results of the findings in …

Best’s Managing Director-Europe: Solvency II is Coming to an Insurer near You

Stefan Holzberger, A.M. Best’s managing director-analytics, recently moved to London from the U.S. He is well placed to analyze the impact of the European Union’s Solvency II regulations, not only on the Europeans, who are directly affected, but also on …

IAIS Study Indicates Big Insurers May Not Face Same Capital Rules as Banks

Insurance companies judged too big to fail are likely to face different rules than their banking counterparts, who were told this week that they will be subject capital surcharges, insurance industry standard setters said on Friday. The International Association of …