capital News

Financial Consultant Bjelobaba Analyzes Changing UK Regulations

The UK’s Conservative government announced, even before it was elected, that it planned to reform the country’s financial regulatory system – for banks, investment providers and the insurance industry. On February 11, 2011 it released the proposals it has been …

Towers Watson: Disasters Have Limited Impact on Japan Insurers

Lloyd’s Director Luke Savage on 2010 Results, Japan, What’s Ahead

His voice was a little husky, but Luke Savage – Lloyd’s Director of Finance, Risk Management and Operations – was still pleased to talk to the IJ about Lloyd’s financial results for 2010, which were released on Wednesday, March 30. …

Debate Begins: Will Japan Disaster Raise Insurance Rates?

Losses from the Japanese earthquake will reduce insurers’ capital reserves, insurance brokers said Tuesday, as sector shares continued their sharp declines on fears the disaster’s size could grow. Ace, a leading insurer and reinsurer, warned the Japanese earthquake would cause …

Fitch Ratings: Japan Quake/Tsunami Losses ‘Appear Manageable’

Fitch Ratings has issued a bulletin, indicating that it “believes that while the 11 March earthquake in Japan will be among the largest insured losses in history, such losses can be absorbed by the insurance and reinsurance industries without widespread …

Japan Recovery and Reconstruction Cost ‘at Least $180 Billion’

Quake-hit Japan faces a recovery and reconstruction bill of at least $180 billion, or 3 percent of its annual economic output and more than 50 percent higher than the total cost of 1995’s earthquake in Kobe. Even though some extreme …

S&P: Capital Remains ‘Key Rating Consideration’ for Multiline Insurers

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said that in its opinion “global multiline insurers’ (GMIs) capital positions have recovered significantly since 2008.” In an article entitled “Capitalization Remains A Key Component Of Global Multiline Insurers’ Creditworthiness Amid Uncertain Market Conditions,” S&P …