caps on punitive damages News

Court Finds Virginia’s Punitive Damages Cap Applies Per-Plaintiff in Charlottesville Case

A federal appeals court has ruled that Virginia’s $350,000 punitive damages cap applies on a per-plaintiff basis in a case against white supremacists who organized the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in August 2017. A Fourth Circuit Court of …

Ohio Court Rejects Caps on Damages in Some Child Rape Cases

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – A woman repeatedly raped as a child is eligible for millions of dollars in additional compensation because a state cap on pain-and-suffering awards is unconstitutional as applied to cases like hers, a divided Ohio Supreme Court …

Iowa Supreme Court Bars Punitive Damages in Excessive Force Cases

The Iowa Supreme Court on Dec. 31 severely limited the financial damages that can be awarded for injuries and deaths caused by state police officers who are found to have used excessive force. The court ruled 6-1 that punitive damages, …

Arkansas Lawmakers Weigh Competing Tort Reform Ideas

Arkansas lawmakers are weighing competing ballot measures to address rulings that overturned parts of a 2003 tort reform law, including a proposal to give the Legislature the authority to write the rules and practices for the state’s courts. The move …