captive insurance News

Delaware’s Captive Insurance Program Graduates Its Inaugural Class

Delaware’s captive insurance risk management certificate program is graduating its first class of 25 participants today.This new program was jointly created by Delaware’s insurance department and University of Delaware.

Verizon Sets Up Captive Insurer in N.J.; State Now Has 4 Captives

New Jersey officials announced this week that the state approved a captive insurance company for telecommunications services giant Verizon Communications Inc. The new captive, called Exchange Indemnity Company New Jersey (EICNJ), is a subsidiary of Verizon and the first captive …

Vermont Licensed 8 New Captives in 2012 Q1; Strongest Start Since 2005

Vermont officials said its captive insurance industry is off to a strong start in 2012, with the state having licensed eight new captives during the first quarter. “We had a great first quarter with the licensing of eight new captives,” …

Connecticut Seeks to Recapture Role as Insurance Capital

Hartford is trying to recapture its status as the nation’s insurance capital by drawing in a specialized insurance business that is finding a home elsewhere. Since the 18th century, Hartford — home to Aetna Inc., Cigna, The Hartford, Travelers Cos. …

Vermont Added 41 New Captive Insurance Companies in 2011

Vermont added 41 new captive insurance companies last year, bringing the total number of licenses to 952, with 590 active captive insurance companies, according to data released by the Vermont Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration. It was the …

Insurance Captives’ Profitability Soars; Dividends Way Up: A.M. Best

Profitability soared by 49 percent and policyholder dividends were up 73 percent for captive insurance entities followed by rating analysts at A.M. Best in 2010. According to an A.M. Best special report, captives’ underwriting income increased as captives showed underwriting …