car theft News

Vehicle Theft in California Down 48 Percent From Peak, Report Shows

The National Insurance Crime Bureau today released a historic look at vehicle theft in California that shows thefts dropped from a peak year in 1992 more than a 48 percent to 2013. California has the distinction of being the only …

Top 10 Metro Areas for Car Thefts

The National Insurance Crime Bureau’s (NICB) “Hot Spots” report examines vehicle theft data obtained from the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) for each of the nation’s metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). For 2013, the 10 MSAs with the highest vehicle theft …

Georgia Firefighters Say Their Cars Are Robbed During Calls

Firefighters near Atlanta believe their personal cars are being targeted by thieves while they’re away fighting fires and responding to emergencies. Wayne Hines of the Fulton County Professional Firefighters’ Union said the cars, parked at fire stations just southwest of …

Mercedes Most Popular Luxury Car Among U.S. Thieves

Daimler AG’s Mercedes-Benz vehicles were the most sought-after luxury brand among U.S. car thieves from 2009 through 2012 as the New York City region had the greatest number of thefts, an insurance industry group said. More Mercedes C-Class cars, a …

Car Thefts Up for First Time in Years

U.S. auto thefts probably rose in 2012 after eight straight years of declines as criminals took advantage of California’s budget cuts and reduced police forces, an insurance-industry group said. Thefts rose 1.3 percent last year from 715,373 in 2011, according …

Property Crime Down, Violent Crime Up in 2012: FBI

The nation experienced a 1.2 percent increase in the number of violent crimes and a 0.8 percent decline in the number of property crimes in 2012 when compared with data from 2011, the FBI said. Violent crime increased in three …

Massachusetts Sees Dramatic Dip in Car Thefts

Car thefts in Massachusetts have dropped by 88 percent since the mid-1970s, when the state had the dubious distinction of being the country’s car theft capital.Insurance experts and law enforcement officials credit the dramatic drop to antitheft features, from transponder …

Why Thieves Prefer Cadillac Escalade

The Cadillac Escalade, a top pick of the rich and famous ranging from Hollywood celebrities to Wall Street executives, is also the favorite choice of thieves. The luxury SUV, which starts at more than $63,000, is the most likely vehicle …

Top 10 Most, Least Stolen Vehicles and Loss Payments

The Cadillac Escalade luxury SUV is the vehicle most likely to be targeted by thieves, according to the Highway Loss Data Institute, an insurance-funded group. Here are the vehicles most and least likely to be targets, and the average loss …