carbon capture and storage News

The Global Urgency of Building the Carbon Removal Industry

“If you build it, they will come.” This famous, but paraphrased, quote from the film “Field of Dreams” is apropos of the fledgling carbon removal industry. The demand is there, but supply needs to be built. The carbon removal industry …

Insurance Industry Support of Carbon Removal Needed in Drive to Net Zero

Ditching investments in fossil fuel businesses—and denying them insurance—aren’t the only ways for the insurance industry to participate in the drive to net zero greenhouse gas emissions, according to representatives of global insurers and reinsurers. Even those companies that are …

Swiss Re and UBS Among Founding Buyers of Credits From Carbon Removal Scheme

Insurance firm Swiss Re and banking giant UBS are among five founding buyers of credits from a scheme set up by a Swiss company to drive down the cost of taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Even with pledges …

Swiss Re Signs $10M Carbon Removal Purchase Agreement to Fight Climate Change

Swiss Re and carbon removal specialist Climeworks are partnering to combat climate change — by signing the world’s first long-term purchase agreement for direct air capture and storage of carbon dioxide, worth US$10 million over 10 years. For Swiss Re, …

Climate Engineering Companies Aim to Curb Global Warming with Science

Scientists are sucking carbon dioxide from the air with giant fans and preparing to release chemicals from a balloon to dim the sun’s rays as part of a climate engineering push to cool the planet. Backers say the risky, often …

10 Oil & Gas Bosses Seek to Improve Image Before Climate Change Summit

Oil and gas industry bosses called for an “effective” agreement at the United Nations climate change summit in December, recognizing that current greenhouse gas emissions were inconsistent with the goal of limiting global warming. The leaders of 10 companies said …

Shell: Insurers May Be Reluctant to Underwrite Carbon Capture Projects

Projects to capture carbon emissions from power plants and store them permanently underground face “large risk premiums” from insurers because the technology is so new, Royal Dutch Shell plc said. “Insurance will be able to address only part of the …

High Cost Hinders Progress of Carbon Capture As Climate-Change Fix

Scientists know only two credible ways to prevent temperatures from rising to dangerous levels: stop burning fossil fuels or capture and bury the carbon dioxide byproduct before it gets into the atmosphere. The second idea, known in the trade as …

Time Running Short to Avert Worst Effects of Climate Change

Governments can keep climate change in check at manageable costs but will have to cut greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2100 to limit risks of irreversible damage, a U.N. report said on Sunday. The 40-page synthesis, summing up 5,000 …

Extracting Carbon from Nature Can Aid Climate, but Will Be Costly: UN Report

A little-known technology that may be able to take the equivalent of China’s greenhouse gas emissions out of the carbon cycle could be the radical policy shift needed to slow climate change this century, a draft U.N. report shows. Using …