carbon emissions News

U.K. Has 1st Day Without Burning Coal for Power Since 1880s

The U.K. had its first full day without burning coal to make electricity since the Industrial Revolution more than a century ago, according to grid operator National Grid Plc. “Friday 21st April 2017 was the first 24-hour period since the …

Higher Arctic Temperatures Likely to Shift Global Weather in 2017: WMO

Unusually warm weather in the Arctic is helping shift weather patterns this year from North America to the Middle East, after global warming shattered records in 2016, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Rising ocean temperatures that are melting polar …

Global Temperatures Hit Record High for 3rd Year in Row in 2016

World temperatures hit a record high for the third year in a row in 2016, creeping closer to a ceiling set by the Paris climate change deal, with extremes including unprecedented heat in India and ice melt in the Arctic, …

Sea Level Is Rising, but at Fluctuating Rates due to Volcanic Eruption: Study

Climate scientists have long warned of a rise in sea level as global warming melts the world’s glaciers. But while the level has been increasing at about 3.5 millimeters a year, the rate of increase itself has fluctuated, leading some …

Institutional Investors Ignore Climate Risks Despite Bank of England Warning

The number big investors ignoring climate change risk increased last year despite a stark warning from Bank of England Governor Mark Carney about the potential for “huge” losses from a sudden shift in regulation designed to curb global warming and …

‘Weird & Wacky’ Methods to Absorb Global Warming Pollution Viewed Too Risky

Some of the most dramatic measures to suck global warming pollution out of the atmosphere are probably too risky to be worth trying, an academic at a climate research institution concluded. Phil Williamson, a scientist at the University of East …

How Supreme Court Could Upend Obama Clean Power Plan

The U.S. Supreme Court’s unexpected move to block President Barack Obama’s policy to cut pollution from coal plants highlights what both sides in the legal fight agree is a key weakness in the rules — a provision that expands the …

Supply Chains Thwart Climate Risk Management for 75 Major Companies: Report

Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Coca-Cola Co. and 73 other companies that together buy more than $2 trillion of goods and services are unprepared for climate shocks because suppliers are ignoring requests for data on their exposure to rising temperatures and …

Fossil Fuel Divestments by Insurers & Other Investors Top $3.4 Trillion: Activists

Insurers, cities and other investors controlling more than $3.4 trillion in assets have pledged to keep some or all of their money out of fossil-fuel companies — a high-water mark for the divestment movement, according to climate-change advocates. The number …

Planet Moves Closer to Dangerous Levels of Warming with 2015 Temperatures: UN

The planet is halfway to dangerous levels of global warming, with the average temperature for 2015 set to eclipse last year’s record, the United Nations said. This year’s average temperature will be “approximately” 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) above …