carbon emissions News

Allianz Plans to Sell Coal Holdings in Response to Climate Change Concerns: CIO

Allianz SE is turning its back on coal as returns evaporate from energy generation that is harmful to the environment. Europe’s largest insurer plans to exit holdings in mining companies and utilities that derive more than 30 percent of their …

78 Major Firms Urge Governments to Use Carbon Pricing to Curb Global Warming

Leaders of 78 major companies urged governments on Monday to include the pricing of carbon emissions as part of policies to curb global warming, as world leaders prepare for a summit on climate change in Paris next week. Chief executives …

Weather-Related Disasters Occurred Almost Daily in Past Decade: U.N. Report

Weather related disasters such as floods and heatwaves have occurred almost daily in the past decade, almost twice as often as two decades ago, with Asia being the hardest hit region, a U.N. report said on Monday. While the report …

Paris Climate Summit Will Seek New Path to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Next week, in the waning days of what is set to be the hottest year on record, world leaders meet on the outskirts of Paris for a summit that seeks nothing less than to steer the global economy away from …

El Niño Helps Create Another Record Year for High Temperatures

El Niño is the Earth’s hot, exhaling breath. At least, that’s one way of thinking about it. The blast of heat from deep within the Pacific Ocean will do more in 2015 than just disrupt weather worldwide. It will push …

El Niño Expected to Become One of Strongest on Record: UN’s Weather Agency

The El Niño weather pattern, a phenomenon associated with extreme droughts, storms and floods, is expected to strengthen before the end of the year and become one of the strongest on record, the U.N. weather agency said on Monday. The …

Climate Risk May Hit Equity Portfolios as Investor Sentiment Shifts: Study

Equity portfolios may lose as much as 45 percent of their value due to shifting investor sentiment about climate change, according to a report by. Investors are becoming more aware of the short-term impact that the warming planet may have …

Global Temperature Rise on Track to Hit Half-Way Point of ‘Tolerable Threshold’

The world is on track to reach 1 degree Celsius of global warming this year since the industrial revolution, the half-way point toward the maximum tolerable threshold identified by scientists. That’s the conclusion of the Met Office, the U.K. government-backed …

VW Engineers Admit Rigging CO2 Emissions over Job Fears: Report

Several Volkswagen engineers have admitted manipulating carbon dioxide emissions data because goals set by former Chief Executive Martin Winterkorn were difficult to achieve, reported Bild am Sonntag, the Berlin-based newspaper. The paper said VW engineers tampered with tire pressure and …

Insurers Unprepared for Costs of Climate Change, Warns UN Climate Diplomat

Insurers are unprepared for the costs of climate change, the top United Nations climate diplomat said as world leaders make final preparations for a deal on global warming. The agreement, which the UN expects to seal in Paris in December, …