carbon emissions News

Insure Against Risk of Climate Catastrophe: Peter Orszag in Bloomberg View

“Go Set a Watchman” isn’t the only book this year that brings new perspective to an old story line. “Climate Shock: The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet” should shift our narrative on climate change. The old story line: People …

U.S. Warns of Dire Consequences If No Global Action on Climate Change

Labor productivity would dwindle as workers wilt in the heat. Summers in Illinois would feel like a Louisiana swamp. Epic downpours and surging seas of the future would leave $5 trillion in losses. And worsening air quality would result in …

Shell: Insurers May Be Reluctant to Underwrite Carbon Capture Projects

Projects to capture carbon emissions from power plants and store them permanently underground face “large risk premiums” from insurers because the technology is so new, Royal Dutch Shell plc said. “Insurance will be able to address only part of the …

Investors Must Factor Climate Change in Their Portfolio Risk: Mercer Study

Most investors need to make a significant behavioral shift and start factoring climate change into their portfolio risk management, a study on its impact on financial market returns found. Government officials are meeting in Germany this month to work on …

AXA Plans to Sell Coal Assets, Citing Concerns About Climate Change

France’s largest insurer will scrap holdings in coal companies because of concerns about climate change, broadening support for the fossil-fuel divestment movement to a major mainstream investor. AXA SA Chief Executive Officer Henri de Castries said he’s working to sell …

CEOs of 43 Companies, Including Allianz, Call for Action on Climate Change

The bosses of 43 companies including Ikea, Dow Chemical Co. and HSBC Holdings plc called for swift action on climate change, a sign businesses are prepared for a United Nations deal this year on limiting fossil fuel emissions. The chief …

China Faces Severe Threats From Climate Change: Beijing-Based Meteorologist

Chinese officials don’t usually go into detail on the challenges that climate change poses for the world’s most populous and largest carbon-emitting country. But in a speech on March 23, a top meteorologist warned of the severe risks facing China, …

Stable Emissions Show Growth & Mitigation Possible: World Bank Envoy

A report showing that global emissions were unchanged last year shows economic growth is possible amid the fight against climate change, a World Bank official said. Carbon-dioxide emissions were stable at 32.3 billion metric tons, even as the global economy …

Even Richer Nations Face Climate ‘Danger Zone,’ Scientists Say

With prospects of containing global warming slipping away, a team of scientists urged policymakers to redouble their efforts to rein in pollution, saying human activity risks turning even rich nations into a “danger zone.” The researchers led by Stockholm University …

Michigan-Based Kellogg to Suppliers: Disclose Carbon Emissions

Kellogg said it will step up efforts to reduce planet-warming emissions in its supply chain as part of a broader initiative designed to be more environmentally friendly. Under the plan, the Battle Creek, Mich.-based food products manufacturer will require key …