CARES Act News

Next Virus Shutdown May Cost Washington Restaurants $800M

A four-week shutdown on indoor service at restaurants and bars prompted by an alarming statewide spike in COVID-19 cases is expected to cost the industry some $800 million, a representative said Monday. Anthony Anton, chief executive of the Washington Hospitality …

After Helping Shepherd Pandemic Loans, Banks Now Brace for Regulatory Risks

Banks that facilitated the U.S. government’s Paycheck Protection Program at first saw the effort as a small revenue booster with a patriotic bonus, shepherding $525 billion in loans to businesses slammed by the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. But as …

Who Got Money in Small Business Paycheck Protection Program?

WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO, April 17 (Reuters) – Over two frantic weeks, the U.S. government pledged $350 billion to Main Street businesses across America desperate for cash after coronavirus lockdowns. Now a picture is emerging of who got the money. More than …

Reuters: Banks Cite Liability Risks, May Not Participate in Coronavirus Lending Plan

Thousands of U.S. banks, including some of the country’s largest lenders, have said they may not participate in the federal government’s small-business rescue program due to concerns about taking on too much legal and financial risk, five people with direct …

Coronavirus Relief Loans Will Be Available for Small Businesses Friday

The United States’ new $350 billion small-business coronavirus rescue loan program could see millions of applications when it launches on Friday, senior Trump administration officials said on Tuesday. Officials from the U.S. Treasury and Small Business Administration, which are jointly …

P/C Insurance Industry Backs New Government Fund to Help Businesses, Workers Hurt by Coronavirus Shutdowns

The property/casualty insurance industry has joined a broad business coalition in supporting and crafting a new federal relief fund for businesses and workers affected by the quarantine and stay-at-home measures necessitated by the coronavirus crisis. The new relief vehicle, the …