Caribou Honig News

COVID-19 Cast as a Catalyst for Change. Now What?

Look around the corner, what do you see? Answering that question is the most important part of my job as an author, speaker, advisor and VC investor. It’s a role that requires a hint of arrogance, since peering around the …

Winning, Sharing, Trusting, Failing, Losing: 10 Insuretech Connect Takeaways

Pulling together some loose threads from October’s Insuretech Connect Conference, here are 10 takeaways: Innovation Rap. “I actually feel the industry gets a bad rap in terms of innovation,” Dan Glaser, Marsh McLennan Cos. CEO, told the roomful of innovators, …

Get Ready for the Insurtech Revolution, Act 2

The digital revolution in insurance is about to begin its second act. Having in its first phase used science and technology to inspire a rethinking of insurance that is making insurance easier and more efficient to buy and sell, and …

The Hidden Truth About MoviePass

MoviePass. Consumers love it, consumers hate it. Savior of the movie theater, destroyer of the movie theater. It’s one of the most hotly-debated companies of the past five years, particularly as industry analysts try to dissect the business โ€“ as …

Netflix vs. HBO and the Race to the Insurance Customer

“The goal is to become HBO faster than HBO can become us,” the chief content officer of Netflix said four years ago. In the insurance world, InsureTech Connect Conference founder Caribou Honig thinks traditional insurers and insurtech startups are facing …

Why the Insurance Industry Needs a Toothbrush and Other Notes from Record-Breaking InsureTech Connect Conference

Insurance company employees wondering where all their bosses are this week should not be worried. It’s a good bet the executives are safe in Las Vegas at the second annual InsureTech Connect Conference. More than 3,800 insurance and technology enthusiasts …

10 Takeaways from the Future of Insurance and InsureTech Connect Conference

You’ve probably heard. There is tremendous investor interest right now in technology-first insurance startups, or insurtech firms. The first InsureTech Connect Conference in Las Vegas in early October attracted an estimated 1,500 tech entrepreneurs, investors and insurance executives from around …

Betting on the Insurance Industry of Tomorrow at InsureTech Conference

There was a great turnout for the future of the insurance industry this week in Las Vegas. The occasion was the first InsureTech Connect Conference, which brought together an estimated 1,500 tech entrepreneurs, investors and insurance executives from around the …