Casualty Actuarial Society News

How Predictive Modeling Has Revolutionized Insurance

The use of predictive modeling has forever changed the way insurance policies are priced. The revolutionary tool allows insurers to design ever-more-sophisticated models that tap ever-more-detailed data sets to refine precisely how much each customer should be charged. Casualty actuaries …

Do Actuarial Models Influence P/C Underwriting Cycle?

Property/casualty insurance is noted for the sharp rise and fall of its rates – the underwriting cycle. As actuaries have developed more sophisticated statistical and computer models to help understand complex insurance problems, what has been their effect on the …

Casualty Actuaries Should Consider Foreign Customs, Economics, Politics

A bulletin from the Insurance Information Institute notes that a recent Casualty Actuarial Society seminar advises actuaries that when it comes to pricing global reinsurance business, it’s important to remember that “all risks are local.” Athula Alwis, associate vice president …

Analysts Debate Outlook for Reinsurance Stocks

With reinsurance stocks trading below book value, equity analysts basically agree on the factors affecting these stocks but differ on their outlook on the sector. Property/casualty insurance analysts Meyer Shields, analyst at Stifel, Nicolaus & Co.; Gregory Locraft, an executive …

Actuaries Urged to Get Involved in Insurers’ Social Media Strategies

Actuaries are being urged to lend their expertise as insurers get more involved in using social media tools to connect with policyholders and prospects, tools that are producing metrics ripe for expert analysis. Actuaries should wade in and not wait …

How Health Reform Will Affect Workers’ Comp, Liability Insurance

The federal health reform enacted last year will bring short- and long-term challenges to employers and the property/casualty insurance industry. According to Harry Shuford, chief economist for the insurance industry’s National Council on Compensation Insurance, the new law is “a …

How Rising Energy Prices Affect P/C Insurance

The leveling off of the world’s oil supply and the resulting rising gasoline prices and their economic impact carry implications for property/casualty insurance rates. Oil spikes have been known to precede recessions, which affect auto, home and workers’ compensation claims …