cat bonds News

Capital Markets: A Threat or a Complement for Reinsurers?

Investments from the capital markets in various forms now provide around 14 percent of the total capital dedicated to providing reinsurance – approximately $35 billion [$17 billion in cat bonds] out of $250 billion. The question remains as to whether …

Aon Benfield Report Highlights Growth of Insurance-linked Securities

Catastrophe bond issuance for the last 12 months – June 2011 to June 2012 – rose to $6.43 billion – an increase of more than $2 billion over the same period in 2011, according to a report issued by Aon …

Insurance-linked Securities Top $2 Billion in Q2: Aon Benfield

The latest report on the insurance-linked securities (ILS) market from Aon Benfield Securities, the investment banking division of global reinsurance intermediary and capital advisor Aon Benfield, reveals that “catastrophe bond issuance for the period reached $2.1billion, as investors continued to …

Willis ILS Report: Catastrophe Reinsurance Market Nearing Strategic Shift

A report from Willis Capital Markets & Advisory (WCMA), a unit of Willis Group Holdings, concludes that the “catastrophe reinsurance market may be on the cusp of a strategic shift, with third party capital providers set to take on increasing …

Guy Carp’s July 1 Renewals Report: ‘Plentiful Capacity;” Low Insured Losses

According to a report from Guy Carpenter the July first reinsurance renewals “took place against a backdrop of plentiful capacity,” as capital “has continued to strengthen through the second quarter of 2012, moderating pricing pressures.” Guy Carp noted that, “although …

PCS Sees Busy Cat Bond Market in 2012 Thus Far

With two quarters completed in 2012, the catastrophe bond market remains robust. Insurers and reinsurers issued approximately $3.6 billion in catastrophe bonds during the first half of 2012, up from $2.2 billion in the first half of 2011, according to …

Swiss Re in New $400 Million Nat Cat Bond for Europe, U.S. Wind Risks

Swiss Re Ltd. Announced that it has secured $400 million in natural catastrophe coverage through a newly-formed issuer Mythen Ltd., which it described as a “flexible program that allows Swiss Re to cede wind risks in both the United States …

Willis Capital Reports Strong Growth in Cat Bond Market; $1.3 Billion in Q1

The latest Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS) Market Update from Willis Capital Markets & Advisory (WCMA), part of global insurance broker Willis Group Holdings, notes a “record issuance in the catastrophe bond market in the first quarter of 2012, with eight new …

Swiss Re Structures $240 million Insurance-linked Securities for Allianz

Swiss Re Capital Markets announced that it has “structured and successfully placed $240 million of insurance-linked securities [cat bonds] issued by Blue Danube Ltd., on behalf of a subsidiary of Allianz SE. The securities cover North Atlantic hurricane, including Mexico …

IAIS Calls for Greater Scrutiny over Non-traditional Insurance

Regulators should focus on insurers’ role in markets outside their traditional sphere, as such activities could worsen the economic impact of companies in the sector going bust, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors said in a report on Tuesday. The …