catastrophes News

Aon Benfield Reports Asia Monsoon Economic Losses near $7 Billion

Aon Benfield, the global reinsurance intermediary and capital advisor of Aon Corp, has released the latest edition of its Monthly Cat Recap report, which reviews the natural disaster perils that occurred worldwide during September. Published by Impact Forecasting, the firm’s …

Global Insurance Rates Flat Overall in Q3 Says Marsh

Insurance rates are rising for property in high-risk areas, while rates are falling for many lines of professional insurance, leading to an overall stable market around the world, according to a report from Marsh, the brokerage arm of Marsh & …

Aon Benfield: Reinsurers Expected to Pay 2/3 of Australia, NZ Cat Losses

Aon Benfield, the global reinsurance intermediary and capital advisor of Aon Corp, has issued a bulletin indicating that Australian and New Zealand insurers, who were hit with “catastrophic events” in 2010 and 2011, had “nearly two-thirds of the losses reinsured.” …

Lloyd’s CFO Stresses Overall Strength after Record Loss

Lloyd’s of London reported the largest first half loss in its 323 year history yesterday, Sept. 21 – £697 million, or over $1 billion. However, Lloyd’s Chief Financial Officer, Luke Savage, was relatively calm when he spoke with the IJ …

Lloyd’s Reports Billion Dollar First Half Loss Due to Catastrophes

As had been more or less predicted, Lloyd’s posted a £697 million [$1.094 billion] pre-tax loss for the first six months of 2011, compared to an overall profit of £628 million [$985.6 million] as of June 30, 2010. The report …

Swiss Re Report Estimates 2011 First 6 Months Cat Losses at $70 Billion

Preliminary estimates from Swiss Re’s newly released sigma report indicate that “total insured losses for the global insurance industry from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters reached an estimated $70 billion in the first half year of 2011.” The report also …

Best Special Report Sees Reinvigorated Reinsurance Market

A new special report from A.M. Best found some “hopeful signs” emerging for the global reinsurance industry. “After years of a soft market, weak investment returns, lukewarm investor interest and sluggish consolidation activity, the bottom line has been squeezed, and …

Swiss Re Sigma Study Examines Government/Private Sector Coverage

Swiss Re’s latest sigma study – “State involvement in private insurance” – examines the increasing symbiosis between governments and the private insurance sector. The report notes that “more and more governments are leveraging private insurance skills and the growing capacity …

Caribbean Countries form Partnership to Develop Climate Change Strategies

The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) and the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) have strengthened their partnership to be able to better assist Caribbean countries to develop climate change adaptation strategies. The two organizations play key roles in …

Hurricanes May Be Catalyst for Insurance Rate Increases

Hurricane Irene, threatening to become the first hurricane to hit the United States in three years, could be the catalyst the insurance industry has been seeking in its quest for across-the-board premium increases after years of weakness. Like speculators in …