Catholic church sex abuse News

Maine Catholic Church Hit With More Sex Abuse Claims Under Revised Law

Four people in Maine have filed lawsuits with claims that they were sexually abused by Catholic priests as children. Three men sued the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland on Thursday in Cumberland County Superior Court. The men allege they were …

Rochester Diocese $55M Sex Abuse Settlement Does Not Include Insurance Amount

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester will pay $55 million to survivors of sexual abuse committed by clergy members under a settlement announced by Rochester Bishop Salvatore Matano last week. The $55 million from the upstate New York diocese, its …

Massachusetts Court Denies Charitable Immunity, Allows Abuse Case Against Diocese

A lawsuit brought by a former altar boy who alleges he was sexually abused as a child in the 1960s by a now-deceased Roman Catholic bishop and other clergy can proceed, the highest court in Massachusetts said in a decision …

FBI Opens Widening Investigation of Clergy Sex Abuse in New Orleans

The FBI has opened a widening investigation into sex abuse in the Roman Catholic Church in New Orleans going back decades, a rare federal foray into such cases looking specifically at whether priests took children across state lines to molest …

Rochester Diocese Offers $147M to Settle Sexual Abuse Claims

The Diocese of Rochester, New York, and its insurers have submitted a proposal to bankruptcy court to settle 471 sexual abuse claims against them for $147 million. The settlement includes $107,750,000 from insurers and $40,500,000 from the Catholic diocese and …

Catholic Church Sex Abuse Panel in Portugal Receives 200 Allegations in First Month

A lay committee looking into historic child sex abuse in the Portuguese Catholic Church said Thursday that during its first month of work it received allegations from 214 people. The allegations are from people born between 1933 and 2006 and …

Church Official Warns of Financial Flood from Clergy Sex Abuse Claims

A top official with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe says a financial flood from clergy sex abuse claims is coming and a settlement would serve as the dam to prevent devastation to parishes across northern New Mexico. A letter from …

Georgia Diocese Accused of Covering Up Sex Abuse Allegations in Lawsuit

A lawsuit filed against a diocese in Georgia alleges officials knew about and covered up allegations that a Catholic priest sexually abused young students and failed to prevent the crimes more than 30 years ago. The lawsuit was filed last …

Bishops Should Report Sex Abuse to Police Even If Law Doesn’t Require, Says Vatican

The Vatican told bishops around the world last Thursday they should report cases of clergy sex crimes to police even when not legally bound to do so, in its latest effort to compel church leaders to protect minors from predator …

Vatican Tribunal Processes ‘Tsunami’ of Clergy Sex Abuse Complaints

The Vatican office responsible for processing clergy sex abuse complaints saw a record 1,000 cases reported from around the world this year – and still some regions that haven’t reported any allegations at all. The Congregation for the Doctrine of …