Catholic church sex abuse News

Under New State Laws, Catholic Church Could See New Wave of Abuse Suits

A wave of new laws in 15 states that allow people to make claims of sexual abuse going back decades could bring a deluge of lawsuits against the Roman Catholic Church that could surpass anything seen so far in its …

Vatican Defends Secrecy of Catholic Confessions Amid Priest Sex Scandals

Amid pedophile clergy scandals, the Vatican has declared “unacceptable” any efforts by politicians or lawmakers to force priests violate their sacred obligation to keep secret what faithful tell them in confession. The Holy See’s Apostolic Penitentiary, a tribunal dealing with …

Vatican Said to Be Changing Law Shielding Bishops Who Hide Sex Abuse

The legal loopholes that have allowed Catholic bishops to escape sanction when they cover up clergy sex abuse cases may be closing. Two U.S. cardinals have confirmed that the Vatican is working on a “clarification” to a 2016 law that …

Letter Reveals Why Vatican Halted U.S. Bishops’ Steps to Address Sex Abuse: AP

The Vatican blocked U.S. bishops from taking measures to address the clergy sex abuse scandal because U.S. church leaders didn’t discuss the legally problematic proposals with the Holy See enough beforehand, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press. …

Some Question Independence of Proposed Catholic Laity-Led Sex Abuse Investigations

A committee created by the Catholic Church specifically to prevent sexual misconduct by clergy on Tuesday issued a damning assessment of the failings to stem the abuse, calling it an “evil” caused by “a loss of moral leadership.” The National …

Why Organizations Cover Up Sex Abuse Scandals

Of all the horrific details contained in the Pennsylvania grand jury report on child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, one sentence stands out: “The main thing was not to help children, but to avoid `scandal.”’ When sex-abuse cases dominate …

Sisters’ Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania Diocese Claims Sex Abuse by Priest

Two sisters have sued a Catholic priest, his central Pennsylvania diocese and two ex-bishops who supervised him, saying the cleric molested them repeatedly as girls — including one at her first Communion party. The younger sister, who is now 47, …

Catholic Church in Hartford Battles Insurer Over Priest Sex Abuse Claim Payments

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford has taken its dispute with an insurance company to trial, seeking reimbursement of more than $1 million in payments made to settle sexual misconduct cases involving priests and minors. Testimony began last Friday in …