Catlin Group News

XL Looks to Illiquid Securities, Infrastructure to Boost Yields: McGavick

XL Group plc Chief Executive Officer Mike McGavick said the insurer is looking to illiquid securities and infrastructure investments to boost portfolio yields squeezed by interest rates that are near record lows. “We can get a little bit into the …

Statement of XL CEO McGavick on Closing of Merger with Catlin

XL Group plc CEO Mike McGavick has issued the following statement upon the closing of the acquisition of the Catlin Group by XL. Dear Valued Partner: On behalf of Stephen Catlin and myself, I’m proud to let you know that …

XL CEO: ‘Reinsurance Sector Littered With Roadkill’, Playing High Stakes Game

XL Group plc Chief Executive Officer Mike McGavick said that while he shuns casinos unless he’s with his mother-in-law, he’s felt lately like he was sitting at a “high stakes table” as he made insurance deals. McGavick announced a plan …

German Soccer Club Insured for Revenue Losses; Policy Led by Catlin, XL

Borussia Dortmund is using an unusual insurance policy to recover most of the income it is losing for failing to qualify for European soccer’s elite Champions League for the first time in five years, according to two people with knowledge …

EXOR Shuns Hedge Fund Strategy With $6.4 Billion Buyout Plan of PartnerRe

The Agnelli family’s EXOR SpA, known for investments in cars and soccer, is dismissing the prevailing reinsurance strategies as it seeks to push into the industry with a $6.4 billion takeover. EXOR is shunning the idea that it should take …

Update: Italy’s EXOR Offers $6.4 Billion for PartnerRe in Threat to AXIS Deal

Italy’s billionaire Agnelli family, with a $6.4 billion unsolicited bid for PartnerRe Ltd., is seeking to thwart its target’s planned merger with AXIS Capital Holdings Ltd. EXOR SpA, the Turin-based investment company controlled by the family, offered $130 a share …

OneBeacon Explores Sale; China’s Fosun Interested: Sources

OneBeacon Insurance Group Ltd., a specialty insurer controlled by White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd., is exploring a sale, according to people with knowledge of the matter. OneBeacon has drawn interest from companies including China’s Fosun International Ltd., said the people, …

XL Group Creates Venture Capital Fund, XL Innovate; Hutton Named as Head

XL Group plc announced the creation of XL Innovate, an XL-sponsored venture capital initiative. The new fund will be led by Tom Hutton, a past director of XL who has a history of creating successful insurance and financial technology ventures, …

XL Expects Increased Oversight From Global Regulators After Catlin Deal

XL Group plc, the insurer that agreed to buy Catlin Group Ltd. for about $4 billion, said it faces a risk label after the deal that could lead to increased oversight from global regulators. “Following the completion of the proposed …

Brit Chief Says Excess Capital Will Spark More Mergers & Acquisitions

Brit plc Chief Executive Officer Mark Cloutier said an excess of insurance industry capital will force more executives to sell or merge their companies. Cloutier said Brit’s planned $1.88 billion sale to Prem Watsa’s Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd., which was …