censorship News

AI Ethics Scholar’s Exit Adds to Google’s Employment Practices Woes

Prominent artificial intelligence scholar Timnit Gebru helped improve Google’s public image as a company that elevates Black computer scientists and questions harmful uses of AI technology. But internally, Gebru, a leader in the field of AI ethics, was not shy …

China’s Draft Cyber Security Law Worries Multinationals, Internet Providers

China’s parliament has published a draft cyber security law that consolidates Beijing’s control over data, with potentially significant consequences for internet service providers and multinational firms doing business in the country. The document, dated Monday but picked up by state …

EU Seeks Legal Opinion on Global Copyright Pact

The European Union’s executive said on Wednesday it would refer a disputed global agreement to tackle online piracy to the bloc’s highest court to check whether it complies with EU fundamental rights. The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, which also aims to …