Center for Automotive Research News

Auto Insurers Warn Tariffs on Auto Parts Could Raise Insurance Costs

A threat by the U.S. government to impose tariffs of up to 25 percent on imported auto parts could hit consumers in unexpected ways: higher repair costs, insurance premiums and even the theft of more cars for their parts, the …

GM Emails Show Ignition Switch Fix Began 2 Months Before Recall

The disclosure of December e-mails by General Motors Co. shows that the company was working on a fix for its faulty ignition switch in December almost two months before it officially recalled the part, which has since been linked to …

Future Impact of Self-Driving Cars Would Be Big: Study

Consulting firm KPMG and the Center for Automotive Research in Michigan released a report this month about how close the industry is to rolling out self-driving cars. They see the first such vehicles hitting showrooms in 2019, with a more …