Centers for Disease Control and Prevention News

Minnesota Officials Report State’s First Case of Monkeypox

Minnesota health officials say a Twin Cities adult has contracted the state’s first presumed case of monkeypox, a disease that has emerged in more than 50 countries and 26 U.S. states. The state public health lab identified the infection, a …

CDC Chief to Michigan: ‘Close Things Down’ Amid Virus Spike

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Michigan should “close things down” to help address the country’s worst coronavirus outbreak, days after Gov. Gretchen Whitmer instead urged people to voluntarily restrict certain activities. Dr. Rochelle Walensky …

Florida Nursing Homes Will Be First to Receive COVID Vaccine

Residents in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities will be the first to get a coronavirus vaccine when Florida begins receiving it later this month, Gov. Ron DeSantis said. DeSantis’ priorities, announced in in a video last week, largely reflect the …

Workers at West Virginia Poultry Processing Plant to be Tested for Virus

The West Virginia National Guard will assist in conducting tests for the coronavirus starting Monday at a poultry processing plant in a small county where cases have increased, authorities said. Testing at the Pilgrim’s Pride plant of about 940 workers …

Governor Cuomo Announces More Than 100 Coronavirus Cases in New York State

The number of coronavirus cases in New York state rose Sunday to more than 100, an expected increase Gov. Andrew Cuomo predicts will continue as more testing is done. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Sunday that the …

‘Cancel for Any Reason’ Travel Policies Offered in New York as Coronavirus Spreads

Six global and national insurance companies have agreed to offer ‘cancel for any reason’ travel policies in New York state after Governor Andrew Cuomo on Friday confirmed 11 additional cases of COVID-19, bringing the statewide total number of cases to …

San Antonio Officials Declare Emergency After COVID-19 Quarantine Hiccup

The top two governing officials of the San Antonio area on Monday blocked the release of quarantined cruise ship evacuees, declaring a public health emergency after a woman allowed to leave quarantine later tested positive for the new coronavirus. Declarations …

Officials Try to Calm Nerves as New York Reports First COVID-19 Case

New York leaders sought to calm jittery nerves Monday after the city recorded its first confirmed case of the new coronavirus, saying the disease – while dangerous – is a manageable threat. The state is increasing its testing capacity and …

Coronavirus Raises Insurance Questions But Catastrophe-Tested Insurers Are Prepared

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to cause concern around the globe, the insurance industry is facing a potentially far-reaching impact but has the experience to handle what might come its way. Based on what the industry has learned from historical …

Juul Sued by New York State Over Marketing Vape Products to Kids

Juul Labs Inc. is being sued by New York for allegedly trampling state marketing laws by targeting teenagers in advertisements for e-cigarettes and misleading statements about nicotine content in vaping products, among other things, the state’s top law enforcement officer …