Centers for Disease Control and Prevention News

Hospitals Improvise on Safety to Treat Ebola Patients

What does it take to Ebola-proof a hospital? Over the past few months, U.S. medical centers have spent millions of dollars putting together a plan to treat patients with the scary, but extremely rare disease. To a large extent, it …

Nurse Who Survived Ebola Says More Training Needed

A nurse who was infected with Ebola after treating a sick patient said she didn’t have enough training beforehand on how to protect herself. “The first time that I put on the protective equipment, I was heading in to take …

Update on Ebola in U.S.: New CDC Protocols, Rapid Response Team, Czar

The United States issued stringent new protocols on Monday for health workers treating Ebola victims, directing medical teams to wear protective gear that leaves no skin or hair exposed to prevent medical workers from becoming infected. The new guidelines from …

Texas Healthcare Worker Tests Positive for Ebola

A Texas healthcare worker has tested positive for Ebola even though she wore full protective gear while caring for a hospitalized patient who later died from the virus, health officials said. If the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed, it would be …

Report: Few Iowans Acknowledge Smoking on Insurance Applications

Surveys show about 20 percent of adults in Iowa smoke regularly, but a much smaller percentage acknowledged their habit when signing up for insurance with federally mandated forms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 20 percent …

Painkiller Prescribing Varies By State, Highest in South; Florida Reverses Trend: CDC

Health care providers in some states prescribe far more painkillers than those in other states, according to a new government report. Health care providers wrote 259 million prescriptions for opioid painkillers in 2012 – many more in some states than …

Drivers Over Age 55 Far More Likely to Die in Job Accidents Than Younger

Employees age 55 or older who drive as part of their jobs are more likely to be killed in accidents than younger colleagues because of declining cognition and greater susceptibility to injury, according to a U.S. report. Employees who drive …

Erie Insurance Offers Safety Tips for July 4th Outdoor Parties

Seven in 10 Americans who plan to celebrate the 4th of July this year will attend a barbecue, cookout or picnic, according to the National Retail Federation’s 2013 Independence Day survey. That amounts to 164 million people, a record number …

Drugmakers Work on Safer Painkillers as Opioid Abuse Epidemic Rages

Backed by a U.S. campaign to slow abuse of prescription painkillers, drugmakers are devising new forms of the medicines that don’t lead to misuse and new products that treat dependency in a bid to change the face of a $9.4 …

Costco Recalls Frozen Berries Linked To Hepatitis Outbreak

The Food and Drug Administration is investigating an outbreak of hepatitis A linked to a frozen organic berry mix sold by an Oregon company. The FDA and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday that 30 illnesses …