Ceres News

Activist Report Shows More Insurers Making Climate-Related Disclosures

A new report from a climate activist group portrays a “mixed picture of progress and persistent challenges” in the insurance sector in addressing climate-related risks, with some insurers successfully integrating climate-related risks and others leaving “significant gaps and disparities.” The …

More Funding for U.S.-Based Provider of Retained Climate Risk Reinsurance

Demex Group raised $5 million from a syndicate of existing and new investors the company says will address accumulating losses caused by secondary perils. The managing general agent, which “operates at the intersection of climate, insurance, and technology,” last year …

US Insurers Invested in Fossil Fuels as Climate Risks to Underwriting Mount

U.S.-based insurers have invested hundreds of billions of dollars in fossil fuel-related assets which in turn contribute to the risk of climate-related damage to the underwriting side of their businesses, a new report said on Tuesday. A data sample comprising …

A First Look at How U.S. Insurers Are Adopting Global Climate Reporting Guidelines

U.S. insurers are adopting numerous strategies to deal with risks from climate change, according to a review out today that gives the first look at how or if insurance companies are adopting the widely used Task Force for Financial Disclosure …

How the Insurance Universe Deals With Evolving Risks and Dispositions

Insurers have come a long way on climate change, but they have a long way to get where we need to be to deal with a more hazardous planet. That was the assessment from Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler, a …

California Climate Bills Requiring Broad Disclosures Have National Implications

A pair of California bills requiring large companies to report emissions from across their supply chains and creating more stringent reporting of climate-related impacts could have implications nationwide. Two Legislators from the Golden State this week introduced Senate Bill 253 …

Investors Ask SEC for More ESG Disclosures as Companies Resist: Analysis

Investor groups have asked the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for more corporate disclosures on climate change and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues while business interests have pushed back, a Reuters review of correspondence published by the regulator …

Report: Despite Pandemic-Driven Emission Redux, We’re Headed to 3-Degrees Warming

A new report finds that despite a brief dip in carbon dioxide emissions caused by the pandemic, the world is still heading for a temperature rise in excess of 3°C this century, a mark that is well beyond the Paris …

Businesses Urge U.S. Insurers to Stop Insuring, Investing in Fossil Fuel Producers

A group of about 60 American businesses on Thursday urged their insurers to stop providing coverage to and investing in fossil fuel producers. In a letter, companies including outdoor-gear producer Patagonia and ice-cream maker Ben & Jerry’s, a unit of …

California Commissioner Launches Database of Green Insurance Products

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara on Tuesday formally launched the Climate Smart Insurance Products Database, what is being touted as “the first-ever consumer-oriented list of green insurance policies.” The California Department of Insurance has developed the database to help the …