Charlie Hebdo News

Global Acts of Terrorism Cost $52.9 Billion in 2014 – Highest Price Since 9/11

In the wake of Friday’s massacre in Paris, a new report says the world is paying the highest price for terrorism since the 2001 attack on New York’s Twin Towers. In 2014, acts of terror cost the world $52.9 billion …

Paris Murders Make Finding a Solution to Violence More Imperative

It will be a month on Saturday since the murderous attacks on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and the kosher supermarket in Paris took place. These were not the first such attacks by fanatics on western …

Characteristics of ‘Charlie Hebdo’ Attack Thwarted Counter-Terrorism Efforts: RMS

A number of unique characteristics of the January 7 terrorist attack against satirical French magazine “Charlie Hebdo” allowed terrorists to succeed despite counter-terrorism efforts, according to a new report by Dr. Gordon Woo, catastrophist and terrorism risk expert at RMS, …

Companies Seek Advice About How to Protect Employees After Paris Shootings

The world’s biggest security provider, G4S Plc, is fielding more inquiries from prospective clients after terrorists killed 17 people in Paris last week. Companies are seeking advice on how to protect their employees following attacks at the weekly magazine Charlie …

Paris Killings Seen Fueling Anti-Islam Movements in Europe

The killing of at least 12 people at a French magazine that received threats because of its depiction of Islam stands to exacerbate burgeoning anti-Muslim sentiment in Europe, political analysts said. The shooting by masked gunmen at the satirical weekly …