Chemical Disaster Rule News

Steelworkers Union Sues to Reverse EPA Weakening of Chemical Plant Rules

The United Steelworkers sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in federal court on Thursday in a bid to reverse its gutting of a safety rule at chemical plants, the union said. The largest U.S. industrial union’s lawsuit in the U.S. …

EPA Eases Safety Requirements Enacted after Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion

Days before President Barack Obama left office in 2017, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule aimed at preventing tragedies like the 2013 explosion and fire in the tiny Central Texas town of West that killed a dozen first …

Court Says Trump Administration Must Implement Chemical Safety Rule

A federal appeals court on Friday ordered the Trump administration to immediately implement an Obama-era chemical safety rule introduced in response to a 2013 explosion at a fertilizer plant in Texas that killed 15 people. The D.C. Circuit Court ruling …