Chesapeake Bay News

Coast Guard Blames Pilot for Cargo Ship Grounding in Chesapeake Bay in March

A Coast Guard investigation into the grounding in March of a cargo ship in the Chesapeake Bay faulted the pilot tasked with helping the ship navigate the waterway, saying he relied too much on one piece of equipment to navigate …

How Uninsured Residents of Maryland’s Smith Island Help Each Other in Tornado Recovery

The aftermath of the tornado that struck Smith Island is still visible two months after it carved a destructive path through the sparsely populated Chesapeake Bay archipelago. The EF1 tornado began as a waterspout that continued on land, damaged a …

As Sea Levels Rise, Can Chesapeake Bay’s Tangier Island Survive?

TANGIER ISLAND, Virginia (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – James “Ooker” Eskridge’s family – like those of many of his neighbors – has lived on this isolated island in Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay for generations. But its long traditions, which include crabbing and …