Chicago Bears News

Green Bay Fan Sues Chicago Bears over Sideline Packers Gear Ban

A Green Bay Packers fan is making a federal case out of a dispute with the Chicago Bears, filing a lawsuit accusing the rival team of violating his free-speech rights by prohibiting him from wearing Packers apparel at Bears’ pregame …

Chicago Bears Seeking to Limit Players’ Workers’ Comp Benefits

Should injured pro athletes be allowed to earn workers’ compensation benefits until they are 67 years old, like other workers, even if their athletic careers normally would have ended more than 30 years earlier? That issue is being debated between …

Risk and Insurance Experts Predict Thanksgiving NFL Winners, Losers

Ah, Thanksgiving. A time for family, good meals and joy โ€“ unless your team epically fails on national television, stirring your gut into an acidic cauldron of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and mounting indigestion. It can be a risk to …