child sex abuse News

Future Liability Releases at Center of Boy Scouts Bankruptcy

Protecting local Boy Scouts of America councils and troop sponsoring organizations from future liability for child sex abuse claims is critical to the national group’s reorganization plan, BSA attorneys told a Delaware bankruptcy judge April 12. Attorneys opposing the plan …

Retired Virginia Priest Charged With Child Sex Abuse

A retired priest who once oversaw the safety of children in a Catholic diocese in the Washington suburbs has been charged with sexually assaulting a child, Virginia’s attorney general announced Tuesday. A Fairfax County grand jury indicted Terry Specht, 68, …

Louisiana to Give Child Sex Abuse Victims More Time to File Suits

Gov. John Bel Edwards has signed legislation removing deadlines for Louisiana’s child sex abuse victims to pursue damages in civil court, delivering a victory to survivors of abuse at the hands of Catholic clergy. The new law, taking effect Aug. …

Ex-Wife of Former Pitchman Jared Fogle Sues Subway

The ex-wife of former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle filed a lawsuit in Indiana against the restaurant chain for damages, saying the company received at least three reports indicating his sexual interest in children but failed to take proper action and …

Viewpoint: NCAA Keeps Bungling Penn State Investigation

Newly released documents show that the National Collegiate Athletic Association was in contact with the investigators of the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal at Pennsylvania State University. The disclosures call into question the supposedly independent review that led to …