China cyber attacks News

China’s President Xi Pledges ‘New Model’ of ‘Mutual Respect’ with U.S. Amid Tensions

Chinese President Xi Jinping opened his U.S. visit by seeking to ease concerns on almost every dispute between the two powers, even expressing readiness to cut a deal on one of the thorniest issues, cybersecurity. In a 35-minute speech in …

U.S. Eyes China, Russia Sanctions Over Cyber Attacks

The United States is considering sanctions against both Russian and Chinese individuals and companies for cyber attacks against U.S. commercial targets, several U.S. officials said on Monday. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said no final decision had …

Obama Seeks ‘Nimble, Aggressive, Well-Resourced’ Cyber Defense

President Barack Obama vowed on Monday that the United States would aggressively bolster its cyber defenses, as U.S. officials said the probe into a massive breach of federal government networks has yielded growing signs of a direct Chinese role. Obama …

U.S. Business Groups Concerned by Cyber Security Law Aimed at China

The U.S.-China Business Council on Monday criticized a new U.S. law aimed at thwarting cyber attacks by discouraging the Justice Department and several other government agencies from buying information technology systems from China. “The national security of the United States …

U.S. Welcomes China Talks on Cyber Security

The White House on Wednesday welcomed China’s willingness to hold talks with Washington about cyber security threats, amid growing U.S. concerns about hacking attacks emanating from China. U.S. National Security Advisor Tom Donilon called on China on Monday to acknowledge …