China economy News

With Economy Slowing, Tariffs Hitting, China’s Rust Belt Looks to Belt and Road Initiative

From Thailand to Kenya, trains run on tracks from steel mills in China’s northeast, a rust-belt region that is trying to capitalize on a multibillion-dollar national initiative to build ports, railways and other projects abroad. Announced in 2012, the Belt …

Global Anger Finally Seems to Be Getting China to Open Up Markets: Viewpoint

Forty years after China began opening itself up to the outside world, the country increasingly seems to be closed for business. A large and growing contingent of the global business community is convinced that China will never allow foreign companies …

BoE’s Carney Cites China’s Financial System as Risk to Global Financial Stability

China’s financial system poses one of the bigger risks to global financial stability, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said in an interview with the BBC to mark the 10th anniversary of the global financial crisis. Carney also cited domestic …

Allianz Chief Economist El-Erian Q&A on Trump Trade Battles, Emerging Markets, Brexit

The trade battles being pursued by U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration are likely to lead to fairer but still free global trade, said Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic advisor at the Allianz Group, Europe’s largest insurer. However, there was still a …

IMF Urges China to Accelerate Opening of Economy to Outside World

China has made progress on reforms but should allow market forces to play a more decisive role and accelerate its opening up to the rest of the world, the International Monetary Fund said. While credit growth has slowed, it remains …

China’s Services Sector Including Insurance Off to Flying Start in 2018

China’s services sector got off to a flying start in 2018, expanding at its fastest pace in almost six years as new orders surged and companies rushed to hire more staff, a private survey showed on Monday. Economists also attributed …

World Bank Says China Must Embrace Market Economy

China’s economy is near a turning point that demands that it relax its grip on industry and move towards free markets, the World Bank said on Monday as it forecast the country would become the world’s largest economy by 2030. …