China News

Global Risk Network Presents 2009 Report for World Economic Forum

Several people remarked that the presentation of the Global Risk Network’s analysis of the biggest risks facing the world in 2009 was unusually well attended – a sign perhaps that in the current economic crisis the word and the meaning …

Why a Small Hairless Lawyer Should be America’s– and Insurers’– First Pet

Harry Truman might have said it, Bill Clinton did quote it and George Bush, Sr. said he didn’t need the advice because he already had First Lady Barbara Bush but it simply goes like this: “If you want a friend …

Zurich Appoints Parker as CEO of Direct Business in Europe

Zurich Financial Services Group has appointed Ian Parker (43, UK citizen) to the position of CEO Direct business for Europe General Insurance (EGI) effective immediately. He has been acting as interim head of the direct business in addition to his …

Swiss Re Analyzes Benefits of ‘Sustainable Agricultural Insurance’

“Agricultural insurance plays an important role in stimulating investment in agriculture and in stabilizing farmers’ income,” concludes a recently issued report from Swiss Re. The report, “Setting up sustainable agricultural insurance: the example of China,” suggests that the country’s experience …

Corporate Fraud Scandals Can Detonate Anywhere

When it comes to corporate fraud scandals, nowhere is safe. Revelations of a $1 billion fraud at Indian IT firm Satyam Computer Services do not point to a higher systemic risk of accounting scandals in India, or even in emerging …

Garrard to Head Willis Europe; Donovan Named for Australasia

Willis Group Holdings announced that Adam Garrard has been appointed CEO of Willis Continental Europe and Bill Donovan has been named to succeed him as CEO for Willis Australasia. The appointments were effective January 1, 2009. Both executives will report …

Study: California Earthquake Would Accelerate US Mortgage Meltdown

In light of current economic conditions, a major catastrophe such as an earthquake in California would bring new misery to both U.S. and international financiers, according to an analysis released by Impact Forecasting LLC, a division of Aon Benfield, a …

Climate Change Raises 2008 Cat Losses to $200 Billion Says Munich Re

Munich Re has released its annual report on the natural catastrophes that occurred in 2008, which it describes as “one of the most devastating years on record.” 2008’s major catastrophes included a number of tropical cyclones (hurricanes and typhoons) and …

Munich Re 2008 Catastrophe Report Cites Role of Climate Change

Munich Re has released its analytical report on the natural catastrophes that occurred in 2008, which the reinsurer describes as, “one of the most devastating years on record.” 2008’s major catastrophes included a number of tropical cyclones (hurricanes and typhoons) …

Catastrophe Losses Up 7% in 2008, Making It One of Costliest Years for Insurers

The high frequency and severity of Atlantic hurricanes in 2008, coupled with other weather-related and man-made losses, placed the year among the costliest on record for insured catastrophe losses. That’s according to Guy Carpenter Co., LLC, a global risk and …