Chinese market News

China Eyes Allowing Foreign Insurers to Own Local Joint Ventures: Sources

China will accept applications early next year from foreign insurers seeking to take control of their local joint ventures and is even weighing giving them full ownership earlier than flagged, people with direct knowledge of the matter said. The regulator …

Standard Club Asia, Ping An to Jointly Offer P&I Cover for China’s Shipowners

The Standard Club Asia Ltd., managed by Charles Taylor Mutual Management (Asia) Pte Ltd., entered into a cooperation agreement with Ping An Property & Casualty Insurance Co. of China Ltd. Under the terms of the agreement, Standard Asia and Ping …

China’s Swine Fever Outbreaks Blamed on Feeding Kitchen Waste to Pigs

China’s agriculture ministry said on Wednesday it would ban the feeding of kitchen waste to pigs after linking the practice to the majority of the early cases of African swine fever. The statement from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural …

Insurance Data for Sale in China – Despite Strict Data Protection Laws

When William Zhang’s car insurance was about to expire in March, he didn’t need to look far for renewal options. In the two months before the policy was up Zhang received calls almost daily from insurers trying to sell him …

China’s Ping An Insurance Profits Rise 34% in First Half, Biggest in 10 Years

Ping An Insurance Group Co of China , the country’s largest insurer by market value, on Tuesday reported its biggest half-yearly profit in at least a decade on robust customer growth. The results underline strength in Ping An’s business versus …

China Formalizes Easing of Foreign Investment Curbs on Range of Industries

China is slowly following through on pledges to open up to foreigners, as an impending trade war with the U.S. focuses attention on Beijing’s grip over doing business in the world’s second-largest economy. On Thursday the government formalized the easing …

Chinese Tech Firms Seek to Shake Up State-Run Health Sector with AI and Big Data

In the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou, an ambulance speeds through traffic on a wave of green lights, helped along by an artificial intelligence (AI) system and big data. The system, which involves sending information to a centralized computer linked …

China’s State-Run Insurance Funds Feel Strain of Baby Boom

Chinese President Xi Jinping wants women to have more babies. That’s proving to be a costly goal. After government-run insurance funds paying for maternity leaves suffered revenue shortfalls for the first time, Xi’s government has begun taking steps to shore …

China to Raise Foreign Ownership Limit in Financial Services by Year-End

China laid out a clearer timetable on Wednesday for opening its financial sector to more foreign investment by the end of 2018, as Beijing looks to fend off growing criticism from the United States and others that it unfairly limits …

China’s Xi Maintains Commitment to Open Economy, Insurance Industry

Chinese President Xi Jinping promised on Tuesday to open the country’s economy further and lower import tariffs on products including cars, in a speech seen as an attempt to defuse an escalating trade dispute with the United States. While most …