Chris Dodd News


Gov. M. Jodi Rell and Connecticut’s U.S. senators are pressing MetLife for information about how its proposed acquisition of Travelers Life & Annuity will affect its work force in Connecticut. Rell wrote to MetLife chief executive Robert Benmosche, asking to …

Insurers Land Big Senate Win on Class Action Rules

The U.S. Senate rejected what could have been damaging amendments and approved by a vote of 72-26 historic changes to the way class action lawsuits are handled. The vote almost assures enactment since the Senate measure, the Class Action Fairness …

Senators Reintroduce Two-Year TRIA Extension Bill

U.S. Senators Robert Bennett (R-Utah) and Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) reintroduced legislation today to extend the federal terrorism backstop for two more years. The current Terrorism Risk Insurance Act is set to expire on Dec. 31, 2005. The Dodd-Bennett bill would …

Insurance Industry, Republicans See Big Win in Senate Bipartisan Approval of Class Action Reform

The U.S. Senate rejected what could have been damaging amendments and approved by a vote of 72-26 historic changes to the way class action lawsuits are handled. The vote almost assures enactment since the Senate measure, The Class Action Fairness …

Lame Duck and Coverage

Between now and the next time Insurance Journal publishes, Americans will have made their choice for president. Judging from the last national election, the polls will have closed but the counting of the votes might still be underway. With the …

NAMIC: Post-Election Priority – Extension of TRIA

The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act’s (TRIA) hard end date of Dec. 31 poses a huge problem for commercial insurance policies taking effect on or after Jan.1, 2005, as the end of the typical one-year policy will extend beyond the sunset …

Big ‘I’ Praises Approval of Terrorism Insurance Backstop Bill by Financial Services Committee

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (the Big “I”) is hailing House Financial Services Committee passage of H.R. 4634, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Backstop Extension Act. The Association also called on the Senate to move forward on its …

IIABA of N.Y. Backs Case for Reauthorization of TRIA

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York Inc. has taken its case for reauthorizing the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 before the end of the year to Capitol Hill. Three members of the Syracuse-based trade association’s leadership …

PCI: Senate Bill Reflects Importance of TRIA Extension to American Economy

The introduction of a bipartisan Senate bill to extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) for two years is encouraging news and demonstrates the widespread understanding among members of Congress that the economic safety net for terrorism losses must remain …

AIA: Senate Bill Boosts Momentum to Extend Terrorism Insurance Law

The introduction of legislation in the Senate on Thursday to extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (TRIA) by two years “adds to the momentum for congressional action in 2004, and demonstrates bipartisan support for maintaining TRIA’s critical economic …