Chris Dodd News

Terrorism Deal for Real’

By the time this issue of Insurance Journal lands on your desk, federal lawmakers probably won’t have passed legislation that would provide a backstop for terrorism insurance. But they are very close. It’s about time. For well over a year …

IIABA Applauds Agreement on Terrorism Insurance

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA) is praising President George W. Bush’s leadership and commending Congressional leaders for uniting to reach an agreement on pending terrorism insurance legislation that would create a federal backstop for future terrorism …

AAI Applauds Tentative Deal on Terrorism Bill

The Alliance of American Insurers has applauded a tentative agreement by the White House and House and Senate leaders in support of a terrorism insurance bill. “We are anxious to see the final details in writing, but from what we …

NAMIC Urges Conferees to Complete Action on Terrorism Reinsurance Program

In a letter hand delivered to all terrorism reinsurance conferees, the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) and two other industry trade associations stated the critical nature of terrorism reinsurance and urged the conferees to complete action on this …


The Alliance of American Insurers called the recent appointment of U.S. Senate conferees for the terrorism insurance bill a great stride toward ultimate passage of the legislation. “We’re very encouraged that the Senate conferees have been appointed,” David Farmer, Alliance …

Disparities Between House, Senate Bills Hold Up Terrorism Backstop

The U.S. insurance industry must have breathed a collective sigh of relief recently, when the Senate approved terrorism insurance backstop legislation after months of debate and delay. But now legislators must reconcile the bill, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (S. …

AAI Encouraged by Appt. of Senate Conferees for Terror Reinsurance Bill

The Alliance of American Insurers called last week’s appointment of U.S. Senate conferees for the terrorism insurance bill a great stride toward ultimate passage of the legislation. “We’re very encouraged that the Senate conferees have been appointed,” David Farmer, Alliance …

Disparities Between House, Senate Bills Hold Up Terrorism Backstop

The U.S. insurance industry must have breathed a collective sigh of relief June 18, when the Senate approved terrorism insurance backstop legislation after months of debate and delay. But now legislators must reconcile the bill, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act …

AASCIF President Met with Senator for Swift Passage of Terrorism Legislation

Kenneth Bollier, president of the American Association of State Compensation Insurance Funds (AASCIF), recently met with U.S. Senator Charles Schumer (D-New York) and the staffs of Senators Barbara Boxer (D- California) and Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut) to underscore that passage of …


The Alliance of American Insurers (AAI) says it is encouraged that the Senate is now beginning to focus on the terrorism insurance issue with the introduction of a bill (S 2600) by Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT), Harry Reid (D-NV), Paul …