Chris Dodd News

Senate Financial Regulation Bill Hikes Credit Rating Firms’ Liability

Credit rating agencies, accused of assigning top ratings to shoddy securities, would be exposed to greater liability under a wide-ranging financial services reform bill released by a leading U.S. senator. The draft bill unveiled last Tuesday would give investors an …

Senate Bill Calls for New Financial Stability Agency, Insurance Office

A government financial stability agency would be created under a draft financial regulation reform bill from U.S. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd obtained by Reuters Tuesday. The long-awaited Dodd bill departs from earlier proposals already made by the Obama …

Insurance Trades Cast Wary Eyes at Senate Financial Services Bill

Chairman Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) of the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday introduced a draft of the long-awaited financial services regulatory reform bill. While insurance industry representatives were quick to applaud Dodd, the committee and staff on their work, they also …

US May Target Insurers, Gasoline Imports in Iran Sanctions Strategy

The White House is weighing sanctions targeting Iran’s dependence on gasoline imports and insurance firms that underwrite the trade, even as U.S. officials focus for now on diplomatic efforts to resolve a nuclear standoff. President Barack Obama warned Iran last …

Ex-AIG Financial Exec Cassano Returns to U.S. As Probe Continues

Joseph Cassano has come home to face the music. The former AIG executive closely associated with one of the most sensational collapses in corporate history, recently slipped back into the United States. Under intensifying investigations by the FBI and other …

Dodd to Push for Single U.S. Bank Regulator

U.S. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd plans to propose legislation that would merge four bank agencies into one super-regulator, The New York Times reported Saturday. Dodd’s approach, meant as a starting point for the Senate’s response to the financial …

White House Calls for ‘Urgency’ on Financial Regulation Reform

The Obama administration’s ambitious plan to overhaul U.S. financial regulation was bogged down in Congress as it returned from a long recess Tuesday. With no clear path forward in the Senate, analysts and lobbyists said Democrats would be hard-pressed to …

SEC Watchdog Blasts Agency for Fumbling Madoff Probes

U.S. securities regulators missed “numerous” red flags that may have led to Bernard Madoff’s $65 billion Ponzi scheme and never did a “thorough and competent” probe despite complaints dating to 1992, a federal watchdog has concluded. The U.S. Securities and …

First Senate Committee Approves Version of Health Care Reform

The Senate health committee Wednesday approved its version of legislation to overhaul the U.S. health industry, which is to be combined with a bill yet to be written in the Senate Finance Committee. The Democratic-controlled health panel’s bill, approved on …

Democrats Eye Health Co-Ops as Health Insurance Option Compromise

With Republicans fighting the idea of a government-run health insurance plan, Obama administration officials said that they are open to a compromise: a cooperative program that would expand coverage with taxpayer money but without direct governmental control. Congress began work …