Chris Dodd News

Time to Invest Infrastructure

U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval recently dismissed a lawsuit against the U.S. Corps of Engineers over levee failures in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Duval ruled the Corps had immunity from the lawsuit, not because he didn’t believe …

Time to Invest Infrastructure

U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval recently dismissed a lawsuit against the U.S. Corps of Engineers over levee failures in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Duval ruled the Corps had immunity from the lawsuit, not because he didn’t believe …

Time to Invest Infrastructure

U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval recently dismissed a lawsuit against the U.S. Corps of Engineers over levee failures in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Duval ruled the Corps had immunity from the lawsuit, not because he didn’t believe …

Democrats Blast FDA Labeling Rule as Liability Shield for Drug Makers

Proposed rules limit when drug manufacturers can change warnings labels without FDA approval The Bush administration wants to limit the situations where drug companies can change warning labels when they know of unsafe conditions without waiting for government approval. But …

Democrats Blast FDA Labeling Rule as Product Liability Shield for Drug Makers

The Bush administration wants to limit the situations where drug companies can change warning labels when they know of unsafe conditions without waiting for government approval. But Democrats charge that the recent proposal from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) …

Top Insurance Stories in 2007 in East

New leaders tackled old issues and the region battled fire and rain. 1. No day at the beach Insurance markets for coastal properties continued to challenge insurers, agents, policymakers and property owners, despite an inactive hurricane season. For the most …

East Coast Congress

Some East Coast politicians benefitted significantly from the Democratic takeover of Congress as Reps. Barney Frank of Mass. and Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pa. took leadership positions on committees with direct control over insurance legislation. Frank is chairman of the …

Bush Gets Terrorism Insurance Extension Bill to Sign

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed an extension to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) by a vote of 360 to 53 in a form closer to what the Bush Administration and the Senate would support than to an …

White House Repeats Threat to Veto House Terrorism Insurance Bill

The Bush Administration has reasserted its opposition to a House bill that would extend the federal terrorism insurance program after it expires on Dec. 31, vowing to veto any final measure that differs measurably from the Senate bill. “The Administration …

A Nod to Dodd

Sen. Trent Lott, R- Miss., appears to have quieted down since his Hurricane Katrina claim has been settled, so perhaps people will start listening to other senators in Washington on property insurance and natural disaster legislation. Perhaps they will start …