Chubb financial results 2018 News

Chubb Took $500M Hit from Catastrophes in Q4 But Saw Better Pricing, Investments

In 2018 fourth quarter, global insurer Chubb saw a surge in catastrophe losses, along with growth in premium revenue, better global property/casualty pricing and record net investment income. The insurer booked $355 million in net income compared to more than …

Chubb Notches Solid Q3 Profit with Lower Catastrophe Losses

Chubb reported solid profit, increases in net premiums written and a healthy property/casualty combined ratio in its 2018 third quarter. The insurer booked $1.2 billion in net income during Q3 versus a $70 million net loss over the same period …

Chubb Q2’s Results Reflect Continued P/C Pricing Momentum

Chubb has a very good second quarter in both underwriting and investments, reporting net income of $1,294 million compared with $1,305 million for the same quarter last year. P/C net premiums written increased 5.6 percent to $7.5 billion and global …

Chubb CEO Greenberg Is Patient Over M&A But Not With London Market ‘Drunks’

Don’t expect Chubb to pursue an acquisition anytime soon. Chairman and CEO Evan Greenberg repeatedly downplayed the possibility of one in what he referred to as an “overpriced” market. “The prices paid for recent transactions may make sense to others, …

‘Best Pricing in Quite Some Time’ Helped Chubb Weather Catastrophes for Solid Q1

Despite higher catastrophe losses, Chubb Limited reported a solid first quarter with net income of $1,082 million, about the same as the $1,093 million it achieved for the same quarter last year. Core operating income was $1,097 million, compared with …

Chubb $380M Q1 Cat Loss Estimate Includes California Wildfires, East Coast Storms

Chubb Limited released preliminary net loss estimates for the first quarter of 2018 attributable to natural catastrophes, including the California mudslides, of $380 million pre-tax, or $305 million after tax. Losses from the California mudslides are estimated at $125 million …