CIAB commercial lines survey News

CIAB: Commercial P/C Premiums Increase 7.7% in Q1 2024

Overall commercial property/casualty premiums increased slightly for all account sizes to 7.7% on average in the first quarter 2024. According to The Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers’ Q1 Market Survey, the 7.7% average increase in Q1 compared to 7% …

25 Straight Quarters of Premium Increases for Commercial Lines: CIAB Survey

Overall commercial property/casualty premiums increased slightly for all account sizes to 7% on average in the fourth quarter 2023, continuing a trend that has now last more than 6 years. According to The Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers’ Q4 …

Q3 2023 Signals Six Years of Premium Increases for Commercial Lines: CIAB

Overall commercial property/casualty premiums increased slightly more than 8% on average in the third quarter, marking six full years of steady increases. According to The Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers’ Q3 Market Survey, the 8.1% average increase in Q3 …

Commercial Property Premiums Up Over 20% to Start 2023: CIAB

Commercial property premiums increased more in the first quarter than they have in more than 20 years as the first three months of the year marked the 22nd straight quarter of overall premium increases, at 8.8%, according to the newest …

Commercial Insurance Price Increases Stay Level But Clients Still Worried: CIAB

“Stabilization” and “moderation” continued to be the operative words for premium increases in the commercial property/casualty market, but many clients remain concerned about future hikes, according to the newest survey from The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers. Overall, premiums …

Commercial P/C Rates Up for 20th Straight Quarter: CIAB

Third-quarter 2022 marked the 20th consecutive quarter of increased premiums for commercial property/casualty, according to the latest report from the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers (CIAB). The average premium increase across all account sizes was was 8.1% in Q3 …

Cyber Insurance Premiums Up 27.5% to Lead All Lines in Q1: CIAB

According to The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers’ (CIAB) Commercial Property/Casualty Market Index, capacity for cyber insurance may be decreasing while demand is increasing, which could have driven cyber premium price increases of an average 27.5% during the first …

Commercial Lines Premiums Up 2% in Q2: CIAB Survey

The trend of increasing commercial insurance premiums that began in the fourth quarter of 2017 continued last quarter. Average premiums across all sized accounts increased by 1.5 percent in Q2, according to The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers’ latest …

Commercial Insurance Pricing Inched Up in Q1: Willis Towers Watson

Commercial insurance prices increased only a bit in aggregate (less than 1 percent) during the first quarter of 2016, according to the latest Commercial Lines Insurance Pricing Survey (CLIPS). While price changes in the first quarter for most lines of …

Commercial Insurance Rates, Except Auto and Flood, Still Falling: CIAB

Commercial property/casualty insurance prices continued to decline moderately β€” an average of 3.1 percentβ€” during the third quarter, according to a survey by The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers. The CIAB survey showed a continued decline in commercial P/C …